As an animal lover I am always looking how to do the best for my animals. Back in 2020 I discovered Elemental Acupressure, a Five Element Acupressure school. They introduced me to the magic of Classical Chinese Medicine and how the use of simple touch can transform the health and well-being for us and our animal friends. I would love to share this knowledge with you and help YOUR animal friends too.
Having been interested in alternative therapies for humans for a number of years, my journey with my horse Nelson led me to seek out more holistic therapies for animals. Nelson struggled after conventional massage therapies so I went in search of something different. Having already studied animal communication, the EnergyWork™ and No Pressure Acupressure™ classes offered by Elemental Acupressure were eye-opening and I saw how effective distant treatments can be. Nelson responded well to these hands off treatments, so I decided to dive in and try hands on. I was well and truly hooked into the teachings of Classical Chinese medicine.
Relevant Qualifications
Elemental Acupressure Certificate in Equine and Small Animal Acupressure
Usui Reiki Practitioner and Animal Reiki Practitioner
Diploma in Animal Communication, Advanced Certificate in Animal Communication
Other studies include Liza Kimble’s Equine Fascia and Trauma Release, Energy Healing